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Increasing Access

Increasing access to HIV services

Faith communities can contribute to maximising equitable and equal access to HIV services and solutions by:

  • supporting access to HIV services and

  • strengthening the paediatric and adolescent HIV response globally and locally in collaboration with other sectors 


Faith communities and FBOs assist with increasing demand for and access to combination prevention tools and resources, as well as access to HIV services, including for migrants and refugees or other key priority populations:

  • through capacity building in FBOs (managed care structure, religious leaders and faith communities).

  • by documenting the contributions of faith-based partners to demand creation and HIV access services to better leverage their influence, audience and facilities for increased access to HIV services.

  • by enhancing coordinated interfaith leadership, advocacy and activities with national and international partners to influence global HIV policies and practices and improve health outcomes.


Some of the activities Interfaith Health Platform members do together include:

  • Interfaith Communities Breakfast and related meetings on the side-lines of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Segment in NYC

  • Interfaith Pre-Conferences and activities at International AIDS Conferences, ICASA, and other international conferences

  • Global FBO consultations and events

  • Virtual and physical capacity building and awareness-raising events for religious leaders on topics combination prevention

  • Active contribution to UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) and other global health events 

  • Mapping faith-based partners’ contribution to demand creation and HIV services to better leverage their influence, audience and facilities for increased access.




Strategic engagement of the faith sector with Migrants, Refugees and other displaced populations for increased access to health and HIV services

Breaking the Chains of Stigma and Sexual Gender Based
Violence (SGBV):

Strategic engagement of the faith sector with Migrants, Refugees and other displaced populations for increased access to health and HIV services

Test Resource

Resource test


Stories & blogs

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© 2024 Interfaith Health Platform

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