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The Messages of HOPE on COVID-19 aim to accelerate community mitigation of the impact of COVID-19 by engaging effective key national influencers and faith leaders to help communities rapidly accept life-saving aspects of behavior change that are urgently needed, in the areas of physical distancing, hand hygiene, covering of face and mouth, quarantine and isolation measures, among others. By engaging faith leaders and communities in disseminating key COVID-19 mitigation messages, along with messages of hope both within and beyond faith structures, we hope to increase uptake of targeted COVID-19 behavior change strategies that are essential for effective control, in the context of no vaccine and no treatment.



The Messages on COVID-19 are elaborated around 7 key areas and have been identified by faith leaders engaged in the Faith and Community Initiative:

  1. Life – not death; focus in COVID-19 must change to survival

  2. Hope – not fear; physical distancing works to reduce COVID-19 spread

  3. Connection – not isolation; calls, texts, WhatsApp, for quarantined 

  4. Positive Role model – general prevention, avoid large gatherings

  5. Caring – safely; for those affected by COVID-19, in our homes, congregations, and community

  6. Celebration – not stigma; for those who improve, recover

  7. Influence – builds hope, gratitude, compassion; as faith leaders can use virtual sermons/ meetings,   messages/radio/TV


Easy-to-distribute parenting tips to protect children from abuse during COVID-19. The Parenting Tips are available in over 100 languages. 
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