08:36:20 From Laura Reynolds (she/her)-EGPAF to Waiting Room Participants: Welcome! Thank you so much for joining us for today's webinar. We will get started in about 25 minutes. 08:42:06 From Laura Reynolds (she/her)-EGPAF to Waiting Room Participants: Welcome! Thank you so much for joining us for today's webinar. We will get started in about 15 minutes. 08:56:11 From Laura Reynolds (she/her)-EGPAF to Waiting Room Participants: Welcome, everyone. We will begin shortly- thank you for being here. 09:06:15 From chitimbire to Everyone: Once again our sincere condolences to all and to his family MHSRIEP. 09:07:10 From Phumzile Mndzebele-PEPFAR Eswatini to Everyone: Our sincere condolences to the team and family!! 09:08:54 From Bramwel Siku to Everyone: Every moment I met Daktari on the streets of Nairobi our conversation was ....we are the change agents. Will remember him for his inspiration and dedication to this course. RIP Dr POkaalet 09:09:07 From Delia to Everyone: Our sincere condolences 09:09:57 From Howard to Everyone: On behalf of the Evangelical Association of Malawi our sincere condolence to this entire team, his family, relatives and friends 09:10:50 From William Ringera, KCCB to Everyone: My sincere condolences. May God give peace to his family 09:12:59 From Susan Eliud to Everyone: Doc Peter has been a friend, a mentor, a helper and a father. 09:14:58 From Susan Eliud to Everyone: Dr Peter was a bridge between Faith and Science. He made Science simple to everyone to understand. His memory lives on 09:15:41 From Katherine Marshall to Everyone: Peter was so knowledgable and creative. Always curious and concerned for those who suffered. 09:19:32 From Maryann Mwangi to Everyone: My sincere sympathies to Dr. Okaalet's family and all of us who came across him. He has left a mark as a mentor, colleague who later became a caring friend. Always wanting to know how everyone was, the family, work etc. We will surely miss you as there will never be another like you. May God remember your kind deeds here on earth. Your life and work was not in vain. Your legacy will live on. Rest in Peace our dear friend. 09:22:51 From Katherine Marshall to Everyone: A wonderful interview 09:22:58 From Katherine Marshall to Everyone: https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/interviews/a-discussion-with-peter-okaalet-formerly-with-map-international 09:41:19 From Manoj Kurian to Everyone: Peter was a dear friend, with whom I have worked with from the year 2000. He was a pioneer who addressed HIV with credibility- in the context of one’s faith and current science. He had his feet firmly rooted on the ground with communities, while he had his eyes looking forward with a vision of a world where all people can live healthy lives with dignity. To make that happen, he worked tirelessly; lived his faith as a servant leader; networked with openness and inclusivity; mentored many with dedication and innovation; and spoke to the powerful with conviction and authority. His words and his life moved many to action. We will miss him. May his inspiring life guide us. May Peter’s memory be blessed. Dr Manoj Kurian WCC 10:13:48 From Mwesezi Henry UCMB to Everyone: The equivalent of CHWs in Uganda are VHTs, do you provide stipends to the CHWs in Kenya? Peers are increasingly doing a lot of work in mobilizing and supporting clients, do you have peers among the small caring communities members? 10:14:32 From Sekimpi Lawrence, Uganda Episcopal Conference to Everyone: The static space at churches can be used for various services...counseling, drug distribution, reaching out to priority populations....they are "safe", since religious leaders are trusted 10:20:04 From Arthur Fitzmaurice (PEPFAR/CDC Uganda) to Everyone: We have an example PEPFAR CDC NOFO for FCE activities combined with comprehensive facility-based programming. Email me if you would like to review these for your potential use. kya2@cdc.gov 10:21:04 From Bramwel Siku to Everyone: That was powerful intervention models worthy immulating 10:23:18 From Jane Nganga to Everyone: Involvement of training of faith leaders in Community led monitoring also needs to be embedded in our implementation 10:24:34 From Arthur Fitzmaurice (PEPFAR/CDC Uganda) to Everyone: Yes! I meant to say that, Jane. KP programming in particular needs periodic review to ensure it is not stigmatizing. CLM is a great way to have that periodic review. 10:24:37 From John Motoku to Everyone: @Mwesezi, yes we also provide a stipend to the CHW's . We have also identified peer mentors who are living with HIV from among the trained CHW's especially men peers. 10:25:32 From Mwesezi Henry UCMB to Everyone: Thanks @ John. 10:27:37 From Arthur Fitzmaurice (PEPFAR/CDC Uganda) to Everyone: I think I can say that all faiths have a theology of compassion. This is at the forefront of Catholic healthcare. That compassion just needs to be extended to all people. It has been a pleasure to work with Catholic and Anglican colleagues who act this way in their work and daily lives. 10:31:25 From Susan Hillis to Everyone: Thank you all so much for joining today! It was a pleasure to be together again. 10:31:59 From Emily Coard, S/GAC to Everyone: It is always a pleasure to join these webinars. This is a fantastic community and exemplifies the need to continue engaging faith communities in the global HIV response. Thank you all. 10:33:34 From Muyunga Brian to Everyone: Amen 10:34:47 From iPhone to Everyone: Thank you for your beautiful prayers, Francesca and Gibstar. 10:35:12 From Andrea Uehling (she/her)- EGPAF to Everyone: my email is auehling@pedaids.org, and I'm happy to share the memorial fund details. 10:35:22 From Andrea Uehling (she/her)- EGPAF to Everyone: thank you so much for joining, so thankful for this community!